Saturday, December 26, 2009


I think I'll go in the Chocolate business! I have oodles of Brownies, Fudge, Chocolate Pretzels, Chocolate mints and Peppermint Bark! I gave some to my neighbors who oohed and aahed to me but wondered what in the heck they're going to do with it after I left. I probably lost some neighbors over it except for the bachelor on the corner who fairly drooled when I presented it to him.

Like how much can you eat? Unfortunately on Christmas Eve, I had a good dose of heartburn so now I look at chocolates with a jaundice eye.

Chocolate goes good with wine, cookies (I have oodles of those also)and crackers.
Chocolate mints taste good in coffee also. I tried it. Yum!

Is there anyone out there would like some? How about you?


Suzassippi said...

Chocolate with wine is awesome! Chocolate in coffee is awesome! Chocolate sandwiches are awesome!

Kathi said...


Gigi said...

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!