Last April I received a reminder from the dentist for a check up. One thing let to the other and I finally made an appointment. Only, I didn't go to my regular dentist but chose another. Bill and Patty had been urging me to go to their dentist and the location was closer to home. With much dreaded anticipation, I entered the office and was pleasantly surprised. The hygenist was VERY friendly, VERY gentle and VERY knowledgable. All the equipment was upscale. Dr. Emily Stein was young (isn't everyone?) but I liked her immediately. My teeth (what's left of them) were x-rayed, cleaned and examined. All in all, a good experience. So on the way home, I stopped and treated myself to a Gelati!
And that is on my list of things to do this week: make an appointment with my dentist! Should I call yours? :)
Yes and then you could come and visit!
I'll even treat you to a Gelati!
I think I need to see yours, too! Mine is actually a good guy and my neighbor, but I still have "dental phobia" left over from childhood. Don't tell Ryan and Vicki I said that! :)
I think it's kinda funny that you described a dental visit as a pleasure. LOL That does speak very highly of the dentist! We also gave excellent marks to the pedi dentist and his crew who saw Aidan when we were in NJ. I was highly impressed. Meanwhile, my dentist in Unalaska tried to kill me with an antibiotic I'm allergic to. And what's worse, I keep going back to him. LOL Slim pickins in the Aleutians.
Like Kath, I have dental phobia also from childhood. Grandmom always insisted we have check-ups as she was a friend of the dentist. Like you, Jane I had some bad experiences as well. So dental time is usually put off until my teeth start aching and it's inevitable. I've felt good all day because it's behind me for awhile. But at least, it didn't hurt like it usually does...
Do you remember when you took me to the dentist the week before I was to get married, and the hygienist caught my uvula in the suction thingy? It felt like blood was pouring down my throat- the dentist finally reached over and shut off the machine, but not before I nearly bled to death!! (or so I thought...) That was the worst. The cap incident when I was 5 or 6 didn't help either!
Yes,a nightmare! I remember a dentist pulling one of my teeth out and stopping in the middle while he did something else and left me hanging and hurting. I do think dentists are better trained now. This one even checked my mouth for oral cancer.
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